Thursday, March 19, 2009

make money with yahoo publisher

Money making program

First of all is yahoo publisher

1. Yahoo publisher

Yahoo are currently playing catch up to Google and are trying to release their own context sensitive advertising service. This assure to be an excellent alternative to Google Adsense but in reality is likely to be a simple copy with the same restrictive terms and conditions as Google, including $100 minimums on payouts. The system seems to have been in beta test for several years now, perhaps explaining why Yahoo as a company is suffering. Unfortunately while you can visit their site and sign up to register for an account don't expect to actually hear back from them. They are either extremely selective or are simply not accepting new publishers and advertisers, either way they won't even bother to get back to you to let you know this and most applicants won't even receive a reply saying their application has been rejected. Thus until it goes live and it becomes clear what type of website owners Yahoo will be targeting I cannot place it any higher in this list.

Advert wise Yahoo Publisher Network will feature:

  • Display ads related to the content on your site. You'll earn revenue from qualified clicks.
  • Integrate other Yahoo! services into your web site, including Add to My Yahoo! (RSS), Y! Q and much more to come...
  • This beta program is just the beginning. Our mission is to deliver products and services based on the needs of the publishing community.

And other one is

2. targetPoint

Targetpoint's services are particularly publisher-oriented; you have absolute control over the appearance of your ads. They provide supervision over ad content. The payouts tend to be reasonable but they can be quite choosey regarding which sites are accepted.

Advert wise Target Point provides:

  • Adpoint generates content-relevant, revenue-evaluated ads.
  • Exitpoint helps utilizing the full capacity web exit traffic.
  • Imagepoint serves visual ads. Known to the rest of the world as Image ads.
  • Underpin serves pop-under ad windows.
  • Searchpoint (beta) features enhanced search capabilities, which enhance your users experience and generate additional profit.

Registration is free and they pay back a minimum of 60% of the total on-click revenue. Payment options include Bank checks, PayPal and Wire transfers (if eligible).

And third one is

3. StClick (Now known as ValueClick)

At first look FastClick would appear to be one of the better alternatives to Google's Adsense however, they are one of many online advertising companies that tend to favor the large customers. You'd think companies would have learnt from Google's success and accepted that the way to make money is to target both large and small. Remember Excite? They went the way of the dodo because they only targeted the top 100 companies rather than the small guys who can't afford large TV adverts and have to advertise on the Internet instead. Anyway, I digress. If you can get yourself accepted to FastClick (now called ValueClick) then you will probably be able to run some reasonably high paying adverts on your site but most small website owners will find that FastClick simply aren't interested.

Advertising wise FastClick (ValueClick) offer an industry-average 65-percent monthly payout on all advertising revenue your website generates. Fastclick pays by the 25th of the month for the previous month by check or PayPal.

Formats include:

  • Text Ads
  • Image Ads
  • Interstitial
  • Pop-Under
  • InVue
about money making online